5 Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

July 22, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — wolfedental @ 12:17 am
Woman being administered nitrous oxide

It is recommended that the average person sees a dentist every six months for regular cleanings and checkups. However, dental anxiety and phobia are two factors that keep many people from attending their regular visits. Fortunately, sedation dentistry is available to help patients relax while they are receiving dental treatment. There are all sorts of additional benefits that come along with sedation dentistry as well. Here are a few of them.


4 Must-Know Tips for Dealing with Persistent Jaw Pain

June 24, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — wolfedental @ 7:19 pm
Closeup of woman experiencing jaw pain while lying in bed

Do you struggle with persistent jaw pain? You’re far from alone. In fact, nearly 10 million Americans have a condition called TMJ, which occurs when the hinge joints are negatively impacted by an injury, a displaced disc, excess stimulation, and the like. Whether the culprit is unintentional teeth grinding as you sleep, stress-related teeth clenching, or something else entirely, it is important to know that there are a few things you can do to effectively ease TMJ pain in Hillsboro. Keep reading to learn what they are!


How Long Does It Take to Get a CEREC Crown?

June 2, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — wolfedental @ 5:49 pm
Milling machine creating a CEREC crown in Hillsboro

When teeth become chipped, cracked or damaged as a result of decay or injury, dentists are able to restore it using highly customized dental crowns. However, this process can be less than ideal when a dental emergency is present and a crown is needed as soon as possible. With the help of a CEREC crown in Hillsboro, teeth can be restored more quickly than ever. If you’ve always wondered how long the process actually takes, you’ll want to keep reading.


Will Getting Dental Implants Hurt? Learn the Facts from a Dentist

May 27, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — wolfedental @ 8:10 am
Diagram of a dental implant in Hillsboro

While it’s important to replace missing teeth, regardless of the treatment you decide on, there are many benefits to look forward to when you choose dental implants to do it. However, if you’ve felt hesitant about completing treatment because you’re afraid of the surgery being painful, you’ll want to keep reading. Once you learn the facts from an actual implant dentist who has performed hundreds of dental implant surgeries over the course of his career, you’ll realize there’s nothing to worry about!


Is Cosmetic Dentistry Right for You & Your Unique Smile?

April 28, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — wolfedental @ 8:11 pm
Woman with beautiful smile thanks to cosmetic dentistry in Hillsboro

Thanks to modern dental technology, materials, and techniques, it’s never been easier to get a beautiful smile with cosmetic dentistry in Hillsboro! No matter what you don’t like about your pearly whites, there are a variety of services that can help you achieve a stunning set of pearly whites. However, with so many options to choose from, it can be somewhat overwhelming trying to determine if cosmetic dentistry is right for you. Read on as we break down your treatment options, whether you’re a good candidate, and how to tell which service is right for you and your unique smile.


Welcome to Our New Blog!

March 31, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 1:43 pm

Whether you are a long-time patient or a visitor perusing our website to see if you wish to become one, we are excited to welcome you to our blog!

While our entire website is designed to help you learn all about our smile-transforming services, get to know our team, and find the answers to any questions you may have, we decided to also have a dedicated space to discuss everything from the newest dental trends to the latest updates from our practice. We intend to use this platform to consistently provide you with informative, helpful content that will help you on your journey to improving your smile, oral health, and overall wellbeing.

Until then, keep reading to learn more about our dentists in Hillsboro and what makes us different!

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