Family Dentistry: The Solution for Chaotic Schedules and More!

December 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — wolfedental @ 10:39 pm
Family dentist showing a kid his teeth in a mirror

Going to the dentist when you’re single and in your 20’s is one thing, but if you have a family with kids, it becomes something entirely different! You and your spouse likely visit one practice, drive your kids to a completely separate office, and maybe even have to help your parents find someone else for dental implants or gum disease therapy. It feels kind of like trying wrangle cats, doesn’t it?

A family dentist might just the solution you need. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of visiting this type of smile specialist!


Will a Chipped Tooth Heal?

November 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — wolfedental @ 8:39 pm
A man with a chipped tooth

If you’ve recently chipped a tooth, you may be wondering what your next move should be. Will it heal? Does it need to be repaired? Should you wait until your next regular dental appointment to have it examined? Here’s everything you need to know about dealing with a chipped tooth.


Are Toothpicks Bad for Your Teeth?

October 24, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — wolfedental @ 11:30 pm
A container of wooden toothpicks.

Picture this: you’re sitting down streaming your favorite series, enjoying a bowl of popcorn. Suddenly, you feel a sharp pain. Oh no! You’ve got one of those pesky shells caught in between your teeth. But wait! Before you pick up that wooden toothpick, take a moment to know their risks.


Terrible Toothaches: 3 Types of Pain & What They Mean

September 22, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — wolfedental @ 3:15 pm
Man with brown hair in light blue shirt holding hand to jaw in pain

No one wants to find themselves in the middle of a dental emergency, but you never know when something might happen that causes a toothache. If you have a hurting tooth, it’s natural to wonder whether you need help immediately or if it can wait. After all, there are several potential underlying issues, and some require more urgent attention than others.

Thankfully, the type of pain and where it’s located can help you and your dental team identify the root problem. Continue reading to learn more about three kinds of toothaches and how your dentist can help!


3 Things to Know When Buying Dental Insurance

August 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — wolfedental @ 1:05 pm
Woman holding clipboard with dental insurance form

Do you sometimes avoid or put off important dental care because you’re worried about the cost? If so, dental insurance could be a wise investment; the right plan can go a long way toward making dentistry more affordable. But before you buy any dental insurance, you should make sure that you fully understand what you’re getting into. Here are 3 important dental insurance facts you should know before making any purchases.


What Happens at A Dental Implant Consultation?

May 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — wolfedental @ 2:45 pm
patient and dentist shaking hands

Have you decided to take the first step towards restoring your smile with dental implants? It’s normal to be a little nervous about what comes next. Once you’ve booked your appointment for your first consultation, you may be curious about what to expect, but there’s no need to be worried! The next step on your oral health journey is a no-pressure visit with your dental implant team to go over your individual needs and to answer any questions you may have about your new smile!


What Could Cause a Dental Bridge to Fail?

March 22, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — wolfedental @ 3:50 pm
Concerned woman covering her mouth

Dental bridges offer a sturdy, reliable, and cost-effective form of tooth replacement. They are also durable; with proper care, your restoration might endure for 10 – 15 years or even longer! However, they are not guaranteed to last that long. In some cases, circumstances arise that lead to dental bridge failure. What could cause a bridge to fail, and how can you protect yours from such a sad outcome? This blog post provides helpful information.


What Are Some Common Cosmetic Dental Problems? How Can They Be Solved?

January 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — wolfedental @ 11:17 pm
Woman thinks something over

While a beautiful smile can be a marvelous asset in the business world and the social scene, many people are too shy to show their teeth due to visible dental flaws. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry has developed a few treatments that can address many of these issues and allow patients to enjoy more ideal smiles. Here are a few common dental flaws as well as a few cosmetic dental treatments that can resolve them.


Emergency Ennui: Does My Situation Count as a Dental Disaster?

December 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — wolfedental @ 8:11 pm
Dentist's hand grabbing instrument with patient blurry in the background

Try though you might, you can’t predict when an accident might occur and the same is true for your teeth! It’s easy to feel overwhelmed in the heat of the moment, but fortunately, your emergency dentist has experience handling all sorts of circumstances. If you’re wondering whether your urgent predicament constitutes an emergency, keep reading to learn about 3 common crises and how your dentist can help!


The Do’s and Don’ts of Caring for Invisalign

November 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — wolfedental @ 6:50 pm
Woman with hazel eyes smiling and holding Invisalign

Invisalign is a hugely popular alternative to traditional braces because the clear aligners trays are much less visibly intrusive than bulky metal brackets. Instead of fixing gear to the front of your teeth, these are placed over your them to gently move them into their ideal positions over a designated period. That said, successful it’s important that you care for your product carefully for your treatment to be. Keep reading to learn a few things to do, and to avoid, to keep your Invisalign in prime condition!

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