Do you struggle with persistent jaw pain? You’re far from alone. In fact, nearly 10 million Americans have a condition called TMJ, which occurs when the hinge joints are negatively impacted by an injury, a displaced disc, excess stimulation, and the like. Whether the culprit is unintentional teeth grinding as you sleep, stress-related teeth clenching, or something else entirely, it is important to know that there are a few things you can do to effectively ease TMJ pain in Hillsboro. Keep reading to learn what they are!
#1. Do Jaw Exercises
One of the best ways to ease TMJ-related symptoms from home is by doing jaw exercises, stretches, and massages. Your dentist or doctor can demonstrate how to do them at your appointment, but some of the more basic ones are as simple as resting your tongue against the top of your mouth and allowing your jaw to relax entirely. You can also slowly open and close your mouth while keeping your tongue against the roof of your mouth to help ease discomfort.
#2. Choose the Right Foods
Hard or sticky foods can put an immense amount of pressure on your jaw. To avoid aggravating your symptoms, opt for soft alternatives, like mashed potatoes, applesauce, yogurt, and scrambled eggs. When you do eat tougher foods, like raw carrots, make sure to cut them into pieces and take small bites.
#3. Use a Cold Compress
Placing a cold compress (or towel-wrapped ice pack) against the outside of your cheek can help relax your jaw while simultaneously adding a numbing effect. Just make sure to talk to your dentist about how long you should leave it on and the proper placement. This will help you enjoy maximum effectiveness.
#4. Take OTC Pain Medication & Seek Help
If the above methods simply don’t do the trick, then take over-the-counter pain medication as directed to ease your discomfort. From there, it’s time to seek professional treatment. After all, dealing with persistent jaw pain can negatively impact your quality of life, especially if left untreated. One of the best places to start is by scheduling an appointment with a chiropractor in Hillsboro. From there, they can help reduce tension and dysfunction in your jaw and spine. If the cause of your jaw pain is a dental-related problem, like teeth grinding, then ask your dentist about having a custom nightguard made!
Whether you’ve been struggling with chronic jaw pain for a few months or a couple of years now, it is important to know that there is a solution. Try using the above at-home interventions or get in touch with a professional to get the effective treatment you deserve today!
About the Practice
At Wolfe Dental, we focus on building genuine relationships and offering world-class dental care so we can create custom treatment plans that get results. Our team is proud to partner with fellow professionals, like WellCore Health and Chiropractic, to ensure our patients get the long-lasting relief they need from TMJ disorder. If you believe you may have this condition or are simply interested in learning more, then don’t hesitate to visit our website or give us a call at 503-844-6550.