If you’ve recently chipped a tooth, you may be wondering what your next move should be. Will it heal? Does it need to be repaired? Should you wait until your next regular dental appointment to have it examined? Here’s everything you need to know about dealing with a chipped tooth.
The Dangers of Chipped Teeth
If your tooth becomes chipped, the danger to the tooth itself should be your number one concern. Even chips that seem minor or don’t hurt can leave the tooth vulnerable to further damage, including decay and cavities. Worse yet, there is also a risk of secondary injury to your soft tissue (tongue, gums, and lips) if the tooth has any sharp or rough edges. Thus, if you do chip your tooth, no matter how minor you think the injury is, you should be seen by your dentist as soon as possible.
How Do You Repair Chipped Teeth?
There are several ways to repair a chipped tooth, depending on the size and location of the chip. For front teeth, minor chips can usually be corrected with dental bonding. This treatment uses the same composite resin utilized in tooth-colored fillings to rebuild the tooth, so it looks and functions normally. Bonding typically lasts up to five years but is a quick and painless treatment and fairly affordable.
For larger chips, you may need a more extensive treatment, such as with a crown or a veneer. These typically last a bit longer than dental bonding (crowns can last up to ten years, while veneers could survive as long as 20 or more).
Why Are Repairs Important?
While it may seem like no big deal to have chips (after all, they do add character) damage to the tooth’s enamel or beyond could cause more significant injury that could eventually require an extraction, so don’t put off treating your tooth no matter how minor the injury seems.
If you do chip a tooth, contact your dentist as soon as possible for further instructions. This will help safeguard your smile and get your teeth back to their beautiful healthy condition.
About Our Practice
At Wolfe Dental Hillsboro we understand how distressing it can be to have a dental emergency. That’s why we offer same-day appointments at both of our locations. If you have chipped a tooth, don’t let it get worse and put your mouth at further risk. Call us today at 503-751-2735 in Cedar Mill, or at 503-844-6550 in Hillsboro, or you can book online on our website.