4 Must-Know Tips for Dealing with Persistent Jaw Pain

June 24, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — wolfedental @ 7:19 pm
Closeup of woman experiencing jaw pain while lying in bed

Do you struggle with persistent jaw pain? You’re far from alone. In fact, nearly 10 million Americans have a condition called TMJ, which occurs when the hinge joints are negatively impacted by an injury, a displaced disc, excess stimulation, and the like. Whether the culprit is unintentional teeth grinding as you sleep, stress-related teeth clenching, or something else entirely, it is important to know that there are a few things you can do to effectively ease TMJ pain in Hillsboro. Keep reading to learn what they are!


How Long Does It Take to Get a CEREC Crown?

June 2, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — wolfedental @ 5:49 pm
Milling machine creating a CEREC crown in Hillsboro

When teeth become chipped, cracked or damaged as a result of decay or injury, dentists are able to restore it using highly customized dental crowns. However, this process can be less than ideal when a dental emergency is present and a crown is needed as soon as possible. With the help of a CEREC crown in Hillsboro, teeth can be restored more quickly than ever. If you’ve always wondered how long the process actually takes, you’ll want to keep reading.
